If you had the idea that private investigators are only a part of movies, you should think twice, because Private Investigator Ashford can show you how simple it is to follow you around. Often asked if private detectives are real Private Investigator Ashford (https://privateinvestigator-ashford.co.uk) ensures people that they definately are. Our willing friend, helped us carry out an experiment on him.
You will never imagine that the man, who is just walking about 5 steps behind you as you get to the bus stop, is making a video coverage of your entire move. Taking notes of all people you talk with, writing things down and following you.
Tracked for 24 hours by a Private Investigator Ashford in Kent, the woman received the same exact treatment as revealed above. Later our friend said, “I thought I’d know if someone was filming me but I wasn’t aware of the detective at all”.
The detective who had a DSLR camera, a Covert Camera Recorder, and other tools, walked behind her from her home in Acton in Kent to the tube, and to her office without being made.
Speaking about the day in question, the friend said – “I knew at some point that week I was going to be followed for research – so I had a heightened awareness of my surroundings. Yet, I did not notice it when it happened, and I was in shock. I never saw the investigator at all though I was sure I would be able to know if someone shot a video or took my photo in public but I did not notice the investigator at all”.
Once she got to work without realising that she was being trailed, the woman stepped out of the building to see a friend. The woman and her friend went to a bar nearby and the Private Investigator Ashford followed them there, positioned themselves close enough to record and report on the conversation that the pair had, see what they were drinking, where the proceeded to and how intense the discussion was. When the report arrived, it showed that the detective got a close-up shot of her friend and that he recorded from under a table.
Excerpts from the report – “The man was affectionate with subject as they walked, often laying his hand on her. They both seem quite comfortable in one another’s company. Upon arriving at the bar, the male companion went to the bar, bought two drinks and went back to their table. They continue engaged in what appears to be animated conversation”.
The woman was handed a 17-page report after six hours of being followed where she found every move of that morning documented. A video that lasted 15 minutes, 50 photos and a couple of maps that showed her way to work and exactly where she went with that day with her friend. .
She was shocked and admitted that she did not believe these things happened for real. Yeah, it appears to be a fun and entertainment element in the movies but actually being chased – without knowing about it – is fearful”.
Discussions are going on to determine if more stringent measures are needed to regulate the work of Pls. For instance, when you hire a plumber or a construction worker, they must be controlled by a governing body and it should be same here. The private investigation sector isn’t specifically administered.
In connection with the laws governing data protection, the firm is supposed to be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At Private Investigator Ashford, we are registered, and also posses the required licensing.
Concerns with unsupervised, off-the-cuff private investigators are sensible but by ensuring you are using a professional company like Private Ashford who uses proper technique, you don’t need to worry. Stories of detectives who cross the line when gathering information abound, or those whose charges are too high, as well as those who don’t hand in a complete report to their customers. But this is similar to all other industries where we always have some rogues in business.
You can always contact us at Private Investigator Ashford on 01233 380027 or you can come to our website at https://privateinvestigator-ashford.co.uk if you want to hear more about surveillance and other services our private detectives provide.