With winter just around the corner, it’s a good time to remind yourself of all of the challenges that come with the season. When it comes to motoring, these challenges are considerable. The condition of the roads, as well as the accelerated wear and tear on your vehicle, need to be anticipated. That way, you’ll be able to protect yourself, and anyone else who happens to be sharing the vehicle with you.

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter

There are a few basic checks you can perform to make sure that your vehicle is ready for the season. These should be performed regularly and habitually.

You might top up levels of screen wash, oil and antifreeze. You can find special versions of all of these products, which have been formulated with icy weather in mind. It’s also a good idea to stock your car with a few essential supplies. These might include a torch (complete with batteries), some blankets, and some de-icer.

Adjusting Your Driving Style for Icy and Wet Roads

During summer, the road surfaces tend to be very dry for much of the time, which means superior grip for your tyres. During winter, this is rarely the case; even when it’s not raining, sleeting, or snowing, the water on the road will take much longer to evaporate.

As such, it’s a good idea to moderate your driving style. To be clear, you should be driving slower, and leaving more stopping distance. In built-up urban areas like London, you should be looking for black ice in side streets and stop-start traffic. In rural parts of the country, it’s potholes and sharp bends that pose a greater risk.

Tyre Safety and Local Services

The tyres should be a special priority. If the tread is worn, then your fuel efficiency and stopping distance will suffer. You might inflate your tyres once a week, or consider swapping to winter tyres. For those living in the area, ensuring your tyres in Luton are winter-ready by visiting a local garage can help you drive with confidence, even in icy conditions.

Handling Unpredictable Weather

Not only is the weather likely to be less favourable in general, but you’ll also need to contend with sudden changes. If visibility on the road drops, then so should your speed. If it looks like it’s going to snow, then you might avoid travel altogether – or equip your tyres with chains. It’s vital to check for severe weather warnings, particularly if you’re planning a long journey.