The work that Private Detective Bournemouth does is a testimony to how someone can be watching all you do without your knowledge, proving that private investigation is real, not just a fiction act in a movie. Private Detective Bournemouth ( are often asked if private detectives are legal and of course we only work within the law. Hear what happened when we tracked our volunteer friend.
Walking to the bus stop, the last thing you’d assume is that your every move is being filmed by the man casually strolling along at five paces behind you. Trailing you and noting down every individual you speak with and the details of your conversations.
Tracked for 24 hours by a Private Detective Bournemouth in Dorset, the woman received the same exact treatment as revealed above. “I thought I’d know if someone was filming me but I wasn’t aware of the detective at all”, the woman said this on the day we followed her.
Using a DSLR which is a Covert Camera Recorder along with other sophisticated gadgets, the detective had an easy time trailing her from her home in Bournemouth, Dorset and all the way to work through the tube without her realizing it.
Describing the day, the woman said – “I was aware that someone would track me at some point during the week- it made me extra alert and sensitive to my environment. I didn’t notice anything despite this and I am in shock because of it. I wasn’t aware of the detective at all while I truly believed I’d know if someone was filming me or taking my picture in public”.
The woman went out of the building to meet a friend after trundling to work completely unaware she was being followed. The Private Detective Bournemouth detective followed her and her friend to a nearby bar where they manage to get close enough to the pair to listen to their chat and report back about what they drank, where they went and how ‘animated’ the dialogue was. It was obvious, after looking at the report, that the investigator was had some close-up pics of her friend and that he was filming from under the table.
The report read – ” The male has been tactile with the woman on the walk often touching her. They both seem to enjoy each other’s company. . The man purchased two drinks at the bar, after they sat, and then returned to the table. They went on with what seemed a very deep discussion”.
Mandy was given a report that had everything she did that morning inside it, on 17 pages, after she has been tracked for six hours. . It included 50 pictures, a 15-minute video and two maps showing her route to work and where – exactly – she went with her friend that afternoon.
The woman said – “I didn’t think this sort of thing happened in real life”. In the movies it is lots of fun to watch but in real life it extremely disquieting to be trailed and not realise it”.
An online debate is conducted to determine whether or not Pls should be managed more extremely. The private investigator work is like when you engage a builder or plumber; they are required to be listed with a licensing authority. The private investigation sector isn’t specifically administered.
In relation to data protection laws, it is mandatory for the company to be registered with Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At Private Detective Bournemouth, we already are registered and are ready to be licensed.
Concerns with unsupervised, off-the-cuff private investigators are sensible but by ensuring you are using a professional company like Private Bournemouth who uses proper technique, you don’t need to worry. There are many cases of private detectives going beyond their mandate to acquire information that is not part of the matter while others overcharge or fail to deliver on what the client contracts them to do. Just like in any other field of work, there will always be renegades.
Please contact us at Private Detective Bournemouth on 01202 287012 or visit our website to get more information about supervision and other private investigation services.