If you had the idea that private investigators are only a part of movies, you should think twice, because Private Detective Luton can show you how simple it is to follow you around. Often asked if private detectives are real Private Detective Luton (https://privatedetective-luton.co.uk) ensures people that they definately are. A friend submitted herself for a mock surveillance exercise.
On your walk to the bus stop, it would be difficult to imagine that there is someone a few steps behind you who is recording a video of each move you make. They shadow you, note every person you speak to and write everything you talk about.
Tracked for 24 hours by a Private Detective Luton in Bedfordshire, the woman received the same exact treatment as revealed above. Our friend said “I thought that I would know if I was being filmed by someone but I didn’t notice the investigator at all” about the day when we were tracking her.
The detective who had a DSLR camera, a Covert Camera Recorder, and other tools, walked behind her from her home in Caddington in Bedfordshire to the tube, and to her office without being made.
Speaking about the day in question, the friend said – “I knew at some point that week I was going to be followed for research – so I had a heightened awareness of my surroundings. Yet, I did not notice it when it happened, and I was in shock. I didn’t see the investigator at all, even though I really thought that I would know if anyone was filming or taking picture of me in public”.
The woman met a friend at lunchtime to have a chat, not knowing that she was followed to work. The woman and her friend went to a bar nearby and the Private Detective Luton followed them there, positioned themselves close enough to record and report on the conversation that the pair had, see what they were drinking, where the proceeded to and how intense the discussion was. The investigator’s report showed that he filmed the two with a camera hidden under the table and had close-up photos of her mate.
According to the words of the report – “The male has been tactile with the subject on the walk, often touching her. They both seem to enjoy each other’s company. . Upon arriving at the bar, the male companion went to the bar, bought two drinks and went back to their table. They continue engaged in what appears to be animated conversation”.
Our friend received a 17 page document that detailed every single move she made that morning, having been trailed for 6 hours. It included 50 pictures, a 15-minute video and two maps showing her route to work and where – exactly – she went with her friend that afternoon.
Our friend reacted by saying – “I didn’t think this sort of thing happened in real life”. Being tracked without any idea about it is actually pretty scary, even though in films it might seem like a fun thing”.
Discussions are going on to determine if more stringent measures are needed to regulate the work of Pls. The private investigator work is like when you engage a builder or plumber; they are required to be listed with a licensing authority. There is no real regulation in the private investigation industry.
In relation to data protection laws, it is mandatory for the company to be registered with Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Private Detective Luton is registered and is also ready for licensing.
There are valid concerns about the activities of unreliable and unethical private detectives but you can protect yourself from such issues by working with a professional outfit such as Private Detective Luton where the highest standards are upheld at all times. There are many cases of private detectives going beyond their mandate to acquire information that is not part of the matter while others overcharge or fail to deliver on what the client contracts them to do. But this is similar to all other industries where we always have some rogues in business.
You can always contact us at Private Detective Luton on 01582 920038 or you can come to our website at https://privatedetective-luton.co.uk if you want to hear more about surveillance and other services our private detectives provide.