If you had the idea that private investigators are only a part of movies, you should think twice, because Private Investigator Bath can show you how simple it is to follow you around. Private Investigator Bath (https://privateinvestigator-bath.co.uk) are private detectives in high demand but as a reputable company we care about our clients and always look after them. Our willing friend, helped us carry out an experiment on him.
You will never imagine that the man, who is just walking about 5 steps behind you as you get to the bus stop, is making a video coverage of your entire move. Trailing you and noting down every individual you speak with and the details of your conversations.
Tracked for 24 hours by a Private Investigator Bath in Somerset, the woman received the same exact treatment as revealed above. Our friend said “I thought that I would know if I was being filmed by someone but I didn’t notice the investigator at all” about the day when we were tracking her.
The detective managed to follow her from her house in Abbas Combe in Somerset, onto the tube and all the way to work without raising notion, while he was armed with a Covert Camera Recorder, DSLR camera, and various other equipment.
The woman said when she talked about that specific day – “I was informed that at some day of that week I will be tracked for research – so I tried to be extra aware of my surroundings. However, even with this awareness she did not notice anything and was very surprised. I never saw the investigator at all though I was sure I would be able to know if someone shot a video or took my photo in public but I did not notice the investigator at all”.
The woman met a friend at lunchtime to have a chat, not knowing that she was followed to work. The woman and her friend went to a bar nearby and the Private Investigator Bath followed them there, positioned themselves close enough to record and report on the conversation that the pair had, see what they were drinking, where the proceeded to and how intense the discussion was. After receiving the report, it was manifest that the did not only manage to film under a table but had close-up shots of her friend.
The report read – ” The male has been tactile with the woman on the walk often touching her. They both seem to enjoy each other’s company. . Upon arriving at the bar, the male companion went to the bar, bought two drinks and went back to their table. They had what seemed like a very interesting dialogue continuously”.
Our friend received a 17 page document that detailed every single move she made that morning, having been trailed for 6 hours. It included 50 pictures, a 15-minute video and two maps showing her route to work and where – exactly – she went with her friend that afternoon.
She was shocked and admitted that she did not believe these things happened for real. It may look like a game in the movies but can be very traumatizing when done without your knowledge”.
Discussions are going on to determine if more stringent measures are needed to regulate the work of Pls. For instance, when you hire a plumber or a construction worker, they must be controlled by a governing body and it should be same here. There are no rules governing the private investigation sector.
As far as concerns data protection laws, the service provider needs to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At Private Investigator Bath, we are registered, and also posses the required licensing.
There are valid concerns about the activities of unreliable and unethical private detectives but you can protect yourself from such issues by working with a professional outfit such as Private Investigator Bath where the highest standards are upheld at all times. It is found continuously of investigators getting the information they shouldn’t, and investigators that overcharge and don’t provide the necessary information to the client. Meanwhile, the presence of bad eggs is always a characteristic of any trade or sector.
Please contact us at Private Investigator Bath on 01225 650106 or visit our website https://privateinvestigator-bath.co.uk Bath.co.uk to get more information about supervision and other private investigation services.