The work that Private Investigator Bracknell does is a testimony to how someone can be watching all you do without your knowledge, proving that private investigation is real, not just a fiction act in a movie. Private Investigator Bracknell ( are often asked if private detectives are legal and of course we only work within the law. A friend volunteered to participate in an experiment.
You will never imagine that the man, who is just walking about 5 steps behind you as you get to the bus stop, is making a video coverage of your entire move. Trailing you and noting down every individual you speak with and the details of your conversations.
However, that is just the thing that happened to our friend, since Private Investigator Bracknell in Berkshire followed her for the entire day. Later our friend said, “I thought I’d know if someone was filming me but I wasn’t aware of the detective at all”.
The detective who had a DSLR camera, a Covert Camera Recorder, and other tools, walked behind her from her home in Bracknell in Berkshire to the tube, and to her office without being made.
The woman said when she talked about that specific day – “I was informed that at some day of that week I will be tracked for research – so I tried to be extra aware of my surroundings. Despite this, I didn’t see a thing and I am shocked. She was sure that she would easily notice if she was being photographed or filmed in public but could not detect the investigator at all”.
Once she got to work without realising that she was being trailed, the woman stepped out of the building to see a friend. The woman and her friend went to a bar nearby and the Private Investigator Bracknell followed them there, positioned themselves close enough to record and report on the conversation that the pair had, see what they were drinking, where the proceeded to and how intense the discussion was. When the report arrived, it showed that the detective got a close-up shot of her friend and that he recorded from under a table.
The woman was given a report that had everything she did that morning inside it, on 17 pages, after she has been tracked for six hours. . The appeared to be at ease with each other’s company. When they settled down, the man goes to the bar, purchases two drinks and sits again at the table. They went on with what seemed a very deep discussion”.
The woman was handed a 17-page report after six hours of being followed where she found every move of that morning documented. In the report were a 15 minute video, about 15 pictures, and two maps indicating her way to work, and the exact place she went with the friend after work.
The woman’s response – “I didn’t believe these things were applicable in real life”. Being tracked without any idea about it is actually pretty scary, even though in films it might seem like a fun thing”.
The issue of whether the PIs should receive more streamlined regulation and monitoring is still being muted. They need certification from an authorising body just as there is a registration requirement for the plumbers and builders we contract. However, the governing of the private investigation industry isn’t like that.
As far as concerns data protection laws, the service provider needs to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At Private Investigator Bracknell, we already are registered and are ready to be licensed.
There are valid concerns about the activities of unreliable and unethical private detectives but you can protect yourself from such issues by working with a professional outfit such as Private Investigator Bracknell where the highest standards are upheld at all times. In many cases detectives will charge more than they should and won’t offer the data that the client needs, or they can even gather the data they shouldn’t. But there are always that kind of companies out there, regardless of the business and industry.
To learn more about private detective services and surveillance, contact us at Private Investigator Bracknell on 01344 970047 or check us out online at