You have been fooled if you believe that it is only in the movies that private detectives exist, because, the ease at which your entire move could be monitored is revealed by Private Investigator Doncaster. Are private investigators worth it? Private Investigator Doncaster at ( offer great services including surveillance and have helped many happy clients. . A friend volunteered to participate in an experiment.
Walking to the bus stop, the last thing you’d assume is that your every move is being filmed by the man casually strolling along at five paces behind you. Trailing you and noting down every individual you speak with and the details of your conversations.
However, that is just the thing that happened to our friend, since Private Investigator Doncaster in South Yorkshire followed her for the entire day. “I thought I’d know if someone was filming me but I wasn’t aware of the detective at all”, the woman said this on the day we followed her.
Using a DSLR which is a Covert Camera Recorder along with other sophisticated gadgets, the detective had an easy time trailing her from her home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire and all the way to work through the tube without her realizing it.
Our friend says that she was extremely keen on her surroundings and her sense of awareness was at its peak that week as she knew she would be followed at some point in the week. Yet, I did not notice it when it happened, and I was in shock. She was sure that she would easily notice if she was being photographed or filmed in public but could not detect the investigator at all”.
The woman went out of the building to meet a friend after trundling to work completely unaware she was being followed. The woman and her friend were followed by the Private Investigator Doncaster detective to a close by bar, where the detective was able to listen to their chat and record what they took, the mood of the conversation and where they headed for after the drinks. From the report received it was obvious that the investigator had been recording from under the table and even had very good close up images of the friends.
Excerpts from the report – “The man was affectionate with subject as they walked, often laying his hand on her. They both seem quite comfortable in one another’s company. Upon arriving at the bar, the male companion went to the bar, bought two drinks and went back to their table. They continue engaged in what appears to be animated conversation”.
After she was tracked for 6 hours, Mandy was given a detailed report of her movements that morning, covering about 17 pages. The report comprised of a 15 minute film, 50 photos and 2 maps that showed her which route she took to work and the exact location of her meeting with her friend later in the day.
The woman said – “I didn’t think this sort of thing happened in real life”. It is always fun to watch in the movies, but it could be extremely scary when one is tracked unknowingly in real life”.
A debate is currently going on as to whether or not there is a need to increase regulation of private investigators. The situation here is same as you employ a plumber or builder, they are supposed to be registered with a governing body. However, the governing of the private investigation industry isn’t like that.
In connection with the laws governing data protection, the firm is supposed to be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Private Investigator Doncaster is registered and is also ready for licensing.
There are valid concerns about the activities of unreliable and unethical private detectives but you can protect yourself from such issues by working with a professional outfit such as Private Investigator Doncaster where the highest standards are upheld at all times. There are many cases of private detectives going beyond their mandate to acquire information that is not part of the matter while others overcharge or fail to deliver on what the client contracts them to do. But there are always that kind of companies out there, regardless of the business and industry.
To find out more about tracking and other private investigation services, please contact us at Private Investigator Doncaster on 01302 272015 or go to our website