Since the year 2008,’s competition titled the Pitch has given support to many small companies from a great variety of sectors and places. As the preparation for the Pitch live scheduled to occur on 25th September, where approximately 50 entrepreneurs will pitch for business support and share of £275,000, let’s take a look back at all the five champions from 2008 and evaluate how they attained their victories. These are as follows:
Diverse hampers, Nicki Stewart (2008)
Nicki Stewart came up with a product that offered a substitute to the traditional wicker basket filled with cheeses and ham. Diverse hampers provides a range of striking gifts with products from small producers around UK.
Cyclehoop, Anthony Lau (2009)
Anthony’s product is about a simple but creative product used for parking bikes designed by himself in the year 2006. The bike stand design can be attached to street furniture like lampposts among others.
Active minds, Ben Atkinson (2010)
Ben first thought about the idea of creating his own products from the ailments of his grandfather who had dementia. Since he wanted to help his grandfather, he came up with products like jigsaw puzzles designed particularly for people with dementia.
Kibosh, Ross Dickinson (2011)
Ross Dickson initiated the idea of coming up with a tool that could stop water from pipes flowing if the pipes had burst somewhere. Kibosh is a water pipe company. Kibosh introduced a pipe repair system.
AdvancetoGO, Sam Zawadzki (2012)
AdvancetoGo is an online resource for landlords and rental property tenants which enables them to manage their properties better. Sam pitched his business idea very confidently convincing the judge he was the best at that time.