For one who is considering investing in the recent designer bags, consider brands that are classy and can stand the test of time. There are a variety of designer names with which some are familiar, like Gucci, Chanel, and Dior. Other small brands are still available; some could be sub-branches of existing prominent designers, and others exist independently.
The best brand names are listed as follows:
Chanel is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Its logo consists of interlocking C’s, which Coco Chanel designed in 1925. This brand was created in 1909 by Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, a French designer.
If you are looking for quilted, sophisticated, and sweet handbags, consider the Chanel brand, and you will have zero regrets. Its handbags are filled with unique and modern styles which take timeless classics making the Chanel fashion company a high priority among the best handbag brands.
Chanel is not only responsible for handbags but also for fashion revelations. High-quality woman’s suits, costume jewellery, and watches are also available. They come in many designs and materials which every lady will admire, make an effort to get one.
Louis Vuitton
This brand is easily recognized for its LV logo adorns its handbag collection. Louis Vuitton himself founded this brand in 1854 in Paris. Louis Vuitton is praised for high-quality luxury items such as leather goods, handbags, watches, and other accessories. LV handbag collection includes instant classics, saturated colours, lots of black and gold, interesting prints, and signature brown leather.
Speedy bag and Louis Vuitton Neverfull are the most iconic brand handbags that every lady should consider. You can get Louis Vuitton bags anywhere from $1,680-$6,550.
It was founded by a group of Spanish leather craftsmen in 1846 in Madrid. Loewe’s collection of luxury bags are now in the market with various features. Some are small with sand-textured designs and add a lovely look to ladies’ wardrobes.
Loewe offers bags and other accessories for both men and women.
Gucci was founded in Florence, Tuscany, in 1921 by Guccio, which later became famous under the direction of Aldo, his son. It is well known as a luxury luggage maker which designs high-quality goods for travellers and equestrians.
This brand manages high-end leather goods and jewellery making it a part of the Kering group. Gucci is described as influential in the collection of luxury accessories, often featuring pop culture designs with celebrities like Kylie Jenner.
Gucci is one of the best handbag brands which doesn’t rely on black but only traditional. Contrasting colour blocks, mixed materials, and smooth shapes make Gucci bags stand out. Its bags range between $ 950 and $4 000.
Christian Dior founded Dior in 1905 in Paris. It became one of the most influential designers after introducing a voluminous look to traditionally flat dresses. John G is the brand director and is considered creative by maintaining the delicate balance of the classic and edgy, bold, and subtle.
The unique feature of Dior’s handbag is the balance between ordinary prints and features affixed to traditional shapes. Its bags are still affordable for any lady with around $1,500-$6,200.
Fendi fashion house was started in Rome by Adele and Eduardo Fendi in 1925. It is praised for making luxury accessories made of fur, leather, and silk. Most ladies will prefer Fendi handbags due to their design which combines different textures and materials in unexpected ways.
The Fendi Baguette bag, one of the iconic brand’s handbag designs, can now be found in its modern collection, transformed with oversized stitching, convertible straps, and embroidery. This accessory is small and simple as it can be tucked under the arm. Its bags are more modern than other brands, full of creativity and daring lines. Everyone celebrates Fendi for holding family tradition, praising Silvia’s dedication to Italian history while spinning her designs. Fendi’s handbags retail for between $1,350 and $6,400.
Celine Vipiana started the Celine brand in 1945. Majorly the company began as a made-to-measure children’s shoe company, but it has become one of the most respected fashion brands in the world. CELINE bags are unique due to their simplicity and elegance. The brand crafts timeless bag designs that stand for the test of time and have a unique style that can be distinguished from all other brands. Classic colors of Celine bags with navy and tan make your wardrobe look attractive.
Other common handbag brands include Prada, Hermes, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, and many others. They are highly appreciated worldwide for providing luxury accessories for both men and women.