Easter is typically a family affair with everyone congregating over parties and huge meals. It is also a time to create warm memories for the future and relive fond memories from the past. It usually involves traditions that have been carried down by families over the years. It is an especially fun time for children who get a kick out of the various activities that are mostly tailored toward their interests. However, there are several ways to celebrate Easter without making it just about the little ones. There are many activities that both adults and kids can engage in and enjoy at the same time.


Have an egg decorating contest

Decorating Easter eggs is a tradition that has endured for centuries. Families will usually gather around a table and decorate hard-boiled eggs, creating beautiful patterns in a brilliant assortment of colours. This is usually a fun activity for children, but adults can also make an enjoyable experience out of this by infusing some competition into it. An egg decorating contest is the right way of having some friendly competition among adults while also exchanging banter.


Participate in egg hunts

Egg hunting is yet another activity that can be designed to appeal to both kids and adults. Everyone can participate in the hunt with the adults seeking out the eggs that are much harder to find. At the end of the hunt, prizes can be given to the adult with the most find.


Throw an Easter party

Another great idea is to throw a party and have a celebration with the whole family. This is a perfect way to get everyone to participate and contribute to organising a successful celebration. The adults can join in as well and supervise the children in decorating the house in Easter crafts.


A trip to a store like TheWorks will prove resourceful as they have a wide range of Easter decorations and paraphernalia to choose from. Having someone dress up as the Easter bunny will provide that extra excitement and make for the best Easter photos. Decorating the house is a beautiful way to set the festive tone and get into the Easter spirit.


Have an Easter dinner

A fantastic way to wind down the festivity is to organise an Easter family dinner. Preparing traditional meals from family recipes and having the entire family seated together to break bread is a highly underrated experience. Sharing meals brings people together and strengthens bonds and relationships. It is the perfect way to catch up, reminisce and create memories for the future. Easter should always be concluded with a huge family dinner. After the children have gone to bed, the adults can engage in a nightcap and enjoy a more mature company and conversations.


Easter is one of those religious holidays that sees families travel long distances to reconnect with each other and spend much needed time together. There are so many ways to ensure that each year is filled with warm and loving memories for everyone, old and young. The kinds of activities that are held largely determine how much each person enjoys the experience. As long as they are organised to accommodate the likes and interests of all involved, it is guaranteed to be an enjoyable experience.