You have been fooled if you believe that it is only in the movies that private detectives exist, because, the ease at which your entire move could be monitored is revealed by Private Investigator Croydon. Private Investigator Croydon ( understand why are private investigators held to a higher standard, it is because the job holds a lot of responsibility, trust and liability. A helpful friend, allowed us to perform an experiment.
Walking to the bus stop, the last thing you’d assume is that your every move is being filmed by the man casually strolling along at five paces behind you. They shadow you, note every person you speak to and write everything you talk about.
But our friend went through the same situation when our Private Investigator Croydon in Greater London ‘tracked’ him for a whole day. Our friend said “I thought that I would know if I was being filmed by someone but I didn’t notice the investigator at all” about the day when we were tracking her.
The investigator was able to track her from her apartment in New Addington in Greater London, onto the bus and all the way to her job, equipped with DSLR camera, a Covert Camera Recorder and many other gadgets, without ever becoming suspicious.
Our friend says that she was extremely keen on her surroundings and her sense of awareness was at its peak that week as she knew she would be followed at some point in the week. Despite this, I didn’t see a thing and I am shocked. I wasn’t aware of the detective at all while I truly believed I’d know if someone was filming me or taking my picture in public”.
The woman met a friend at lunchtime to have a chat, not knowing that she was followed to work. The woman and her friend went to a bar nearby and the Private Investigator Croydon followed them there, positioned themselves close enough to record and report on the conversation that the pair had, see what they were drinking, where the proceeded to and how intense the discussion was. It was obvious, after looking at the report, that the investigator was had some close-up pics of her friend and that he was filming from under the table.
Excerpts from the report – “The man was affectionate with subject as they walked, often laying his hand on her. They both seem quite comfortable in one another’s company. The man purchased two drinks at the bar, after they sat, and then returned to the table. They continue engaged in what appears to be animated conversation”.
After she was tracked for 6 hours, Mandy was given a detailed report of her movements that morning, covering about 17 pages. A video that lasted 15 minutes, 50 photos and a couple of maps that showed her way to work and exactly where she went with that day with her friend. .
Our friend reacted by saying – “I didn’t think this sort of thing happened in real life”. It may look like a game in the movies but can be very traumatizing when done without your knowledge”.
Whether Pls needs to be regulated strictly is a continuous debate. They need certification from an authorising body just as there is a registration requirement for the plumbers and builders we contract. However, the governing of the private investigation industry isn’t like that.
As far as concerns data protection laws, the service provider needs to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At Private Investigator Croydon, we already are registered and are ready to be licensed.
You can have a piece of mind if you use an expert firm like Private Investigator Croydon which utilizes the right methodology so you don’t have to worry about unlicensed, improvised private detectives. Stories of detectives who cross the line when gathering information abound, or those whose charges are too high, as well as those who don’t hand in a complete report to their customers. But this is similar to all other industries where we always have some rogues in business.
Please contact us at Private Investigator Croydon on 020 3292 0343 or visit our website to get more information about supervision and other private investigation services.