The mobile gaming industry has taken off in the last few years, with an estimated 2 to 2.2 billion users worldwide. Among mobile gamers, many spend money for add-ons and perks in various games, leading to exponential growth in the market. Mobile game developers alongside smartphone manufacturers have experienced impressive growth in revenues as a result, and the trends driving the industry are slated to increase these numbers throughout 2019 and the upcoming years.

Mobile gaming trends are far-reaching, driven mostly by consumer demand for immediate access. With the use of smartphones, consumers have the ability to play a game whenever they want, wherever they want, and that convenience is something that console and PC gaming companies simply cannot compete within a sustainable way. Here are several trends impacting the mobile gaming market that is sparking growth for 2019 and beyond.

More Gaming Smartphone Offerings

A finance expert from Money Pug, a website used to find the best mobile phone deals, explains that the growth of the smartphone market has continued to climb in the last decade. Big brands like Apple and Samsung have long dominated the market, offering the best of the best in features and functionality to consumers around the world. However, there are only a few gaming-specific smartphones available today designed to meet the needs of mobile gamers.

In the upcoming years, it is predicted that more phone manufacturers will focus their attention and capital on smartphones for gaming. Offering better options with increased screen sizes, longer-lasting batteries, and more powerful operating systems, smartphone companies will need to cater to mobile gamers in some form or another. The addition of 5G technology will help, some experts suggest, as this advancement is poised to change mobile user experiences across the board.

The Impact of 5G Technology

The technological advancements in the mobile network industry have been steady over the last decade, with small updates and changes creating a more robust experience for mobile users. However, 5G technology promises to outperform previous mobile networks in several different ways. One of the greatest impacts 5G technology will have in the mobile market is the increased speed for both downloading and uploading content. This directly impacts mobile game users as they will have immediate access to the games they want, anywhere 5G technology is available.

In addition to increased speeds, 5G promises to deliver fewer latency issues. This advancement could lead to greater possibilities for competitive and multi-player gaming via smartphones – features currently lacking from current gaming mobile devices. The addition of 5G technology is on the docket for many mobile networks and smartphone manufacturers for late 2019 and early 2020.

The Fate of Consoles and PCs

Currently, gaming consoles and computers built for gamers are still selling well, but this has the potential to change in the upcoming years. Consoles and PCs offer a more enjoyable experience for avid gamers, but the issue of mobility remains. In a recent study among UK gamers, 42% preferred their smartphone as their go-to device for gaming, while 32% preferred consoles and 26% opted for a PC. With these changing trends, manufacturers in the space will need to shift their thinking if they want to maintain some level of market share among gamers, focusing more on mobile devices that offer a solid gaming experience.

Gaming as a Service Trends

Finally, Gaming as a Service, or GaaS, is becoming more popular among mobile gamers and game developers. GaaS is a subscription-based model for on-demand access to games among users, focusing mostly on the flexibility and convenience the service provides. Major players in the technology industry, including Microsoft and Google, already offer GaaS as an option for customers, and it is anticipated that more companies will join the ranks in the years to come. Not only does GaaS provide more opportunities to mobile gamers, but it also lays the groundwork for greater revenue and profits among providers.

The mobile gaming industry has grown significantly in recent years, leading to greater innovations in smartphone development, mobile network capabilities, and services offered to users. As more mobile gamers come to the market, companies that spend their energy catering to these consumers are positioned well for success.